Friday, 14 March 2014

                         A proposal  for the Process of our website

First of all,  I would like to say that my  colleagues arranged a good survey in which they exerted good efforts but I think most of the teachers are busy nowadays in finishing the syllabus of their work so I believe it would be better if we begin our survey with some warming up questions which draws their attention to the importance of our website and enthuses them to share in seriously. So I suggest we can begin with these questions:
 Would your like to reach proficiency in teaching English?                      Yes/ No.
 Do you think that online education can help improving your teaching?    Yes/ No
  Would you like to have your fingerprint in e-learning English?                Yes/ No

When building the website, we as designers should think of all the steps from deciding on the website to building it to put it live.
 I think the first step of the process should be defining the purpose of the website which  as I think is developing  English teachers proficiency through enjoying with online work, at the same time providing all necessary teaching materials as a list items  ( teaching methodology articles, student learning disabilities articles, disciplinary systems discussions, lesson planning, learning videos, educational games).
Then comes  the target or the goals we aspire to achieve by doing such survey which I think as all English teachers do , having a sufficient background of students' abilities and disabilities which enable us to  accomplish a certain level of understanding and communicating with our students and reaching proficiency in teaching English . This could be published on the first page of the site. ( About us)

The second step is another Page (Educational Philosophy) in which we can our describe our main target from setting up the website."What we learn with pleasure we never forget". (Alfred Mercier) Also we can mention our colleagues' aspiration as we will undertake to achieve them through our work on the website.

After that we will complete the design we will agree on and arrange the gathered information together. 


Friday, 7 March 2014

 Nelta Choutari is a monthly ELT web magazine. Through this magazine the Nepalese ELT communities promote professional development through networking and ELT conversation among Nepalese teachers and their moderators around the world.They post their articles on a blog and  accept comments on their network for the sake of improving education and Nepalese teachers .

I think if we want setting our own website, we should decide first for who it will be,  for English teachers only or English teachers and their students or all teachers in different fields or for all people?  Will it handle educational themes only or will it include public matters or both of them? Will it be in English only or include Arabic writings as well? I think we should consider all these suggestions first then we will design a good survey discovering what our viewers would like to see or read about in the website. 
 However,  if I assume that it will be for English  writings I think I have found some useful websites to be published on it:

** (#edtecheg on Twitter)
--I think this website is an important clue for understanding the language of online social communities. It is important for the young and the old as well. It is published on:

--Also this website introduces much benefit for all teachers in different grades from kindergarten to college. But as I'm an English teacher, I want to benefit my students and colleagues who want to improve their students' abilities in reading and writing skills in addition to other interactive skills (e.g. It introduces eight workshops with supportive videos about the needed steps for teaching writing).

** edc moocs artefacts
These precious pieces of artefacts are created by moocs participants.  They address the useful merits of using technology in general and in education specifically through videos, blogs, valuable articles, visual elements. Some of them discuss their fears of depending on digital education only.
This blog describe how to explain the use of educational blogs in few seconds.

A 60 Seconds Guide to the Use of Blogging in Education