Monday, 5 November 2012

Last session before Eid was a practical and fruitful lesson. I learnt how to write an academic reference sheet following APA reference and that wast  what I needed from the beginning because it is the basis for academic writing . I think we should have learnt  this kind of writing during our university studies. Instructors should have taught us these kinds to be qualified for post graduate studies. It would have been something useful to learn before teaching our students something we have no idea about. I think that Dr Joy helped us a lot with this practice because the usage become clear now than before.


  1. Practice is more useful than knowledge only.

    1. You are right Elham. I think if you want to get effective permanent learning, you should use practice more than theoretical method of teaching. It will be better and unforgettable.

  2. The only thing is that most university students never think that referencing is important and then they stress themselves out when they have to do it. Glad to know it was helpful and I hope that your remember these lessons in the future when I am sure you will need them!I also agree that is something that you need to practice constantly, from how you collect your data to how you write your final reference.

  3. You are totally right Dr Joyanne, we didn't concentrate on references in our university studies. may be because we weren't asked before to write a reference paper.
    but now I learner these rules and I can apply them afterwards on my writing
