Saturday, 17 November 2012

 This my colleague Osama is talking about the challenges of using technology in our schools. think that Osama was right when he says that some teachers don't have the desire to use technology in teaching but I think this is because they didn't see effective outcomes of using technology in teaching, may be because they aren't efficient enough for using technology and due to the lack of training that the ministry of education and other organizations introduce for the teachers in public or governmental schools, or it maybe because the schools aren't well equipped with enough computers or the internet connections or provided  with data shows screens, because these schools are in poor districts and don't have the same privileges as experimental or private schools. Although these are major factors in reducing the use of technology in classrooms we have other alternatives like mobile phones, our own laptops and i pads through  which we can achieve our targets.


  1. One can find so many excuses for not using technology, but in the last few weeks, you have just done it! And look at the difference it has made in your life! Well Done!

  2. I totally agree with you Dr Joyanne. If any teacher hasn't a sincere will in using technology in teaching, he will find many excuses for that,but what is true is that we face great challenges in using technology in teaching especially because of the overloading syllabus and the frustration which confronts any teacher who wants to change. Despite this surrounding, I will do my best to involve more teachers and students in using all these new tools of technology in the learning process.
